Live With Cynergy

The name Cynergy is a play-on-words implying “synergistic” interaction between Massage Therapy and Essential Oils in conjunction with a Healthy Lifestyle to produce results greater than the sum of their separate effects. It’s a belief through the Wellness of the whole person we can find true Purpose which leads to an Abundance of what we need to live a fulfilling life. At Cynergy, we focus our attention on whole person wellness by helping to balance busy and stressful lives with health, energy, and vitality through the powerful benefits of pure therapeutic-grade Young Living Essential Oils, along with Massage Therapy and Reflexology.
Cindi Ross-Bell is a highly trained therapist who has been practicing integrated therapy in Colorado for over 10 years. She believes the “whole-person” ~ Physical, Emotional, Mental, Spiritual ~ needs to be nurtured in order to achieve Wellness~Purpose~Abundance and assist her clients to live their best lives. She is an active Network Marketing Professional sharing and teaching people of all generations about the powerful benefits of pure, therapeutic-grade essential oils and oil-infused products from Young Living Essential Oils.