Beyond Essential Oils

Beyond Essential Oils So many of you know me, but just in case you’re new to the blog . . . Welcome! I am a Wellness Advocate, Licensed Massage Therapist and Certified Reflexologist. I have been a Young Living member for over a decade, and love sharing with everyone what benefits Essential Oils have given to my family and myself.

Recently, I was asked to do a presentation on the nutritional supplements created by the doctors and scientists of Young Living, and how they have changed my life.

So as not to inundate you with too much information at one time, I have chosen to post this presentation one topic at a time over the next several weeks. To begin, I didn’t begin the journey with Young Living supplements until a couple of years ago, when a health crisis in my family lead me to learn anything and everything about health and nutritional balance. For the past 20 years, we have practiced a combination of homeopathy with a NaturoPath and Western medicine with the usual assortment of medical doctors. Two years ago, we began to rely heavily on the medical profession to help us through this crises. After six weeks, it became apparent that Western medicine alone would not support or heal our family member. The doctors were totally oblivious to the need for proper nutrition for an autoimmune gut disorder (Ulcerative Colitis), and continued to pump him full of chemicals . . . which his body rejected.

For the next 18 months, we read everything we could find relating to Ulcerative Colitis, and what type of homeopathy we could use to support his body. At his last colonoscopy in April, the doctors informed us that there was nothing left to do except remove his entire colon . . . completely!

This was the turning point for him, who finally agreed to try, for 60 days to see if the Young Living supplements, a diet designed specifically for him, and anointment with Young Living essential oils (a hands-on form of Chinese healing) could support his body well enough to begin the healing process. Not trying to heal or cure him; just trying to support his body well enough that it could begin the healing process on its on. After 5 months, his pain is almost none, he has gained almost 10#, his c-reactive proteins which measure internal inflammation has gone from a count of 289 a year ago down to 22 (normal is a range of 0 to10). He is once again excited about what life has in store for him!

Thus begins my story. And before we go any further, I need to make a DISCLAIMER. Please keep in mind that I am not a doctor or health professional. I am not here to diagnose, treat, cure, or prescribe for any illness or disease. I am not an EXPERT. I am simply someone who has successfully used Young Living products for myself and my family. My goal is to tell you about Young Living supplements so that you too can see the value of incorporating them into your daily wellness plan. I always encourage you to do the research for yourself!

Next installment in a couple of days! Email me to let me know what you think of these installments:)

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