Beyond Essential Oils – Supplements – Part 9

Heart & Brain Health So who is aware of the fact that they are getting a bit older every day? Me, that’s who!

I used to be afraid of aging. Now that I have so many options to support myself as I age, the fear is gone. I turned 60 years old this past April, and I feel more confident every day that I can stay active and alert for years to come.

We have already discussed the outstanding benefits of OmegaGize3 and Multi-Greens, and these two supplements are definitely must-haves as well!

Cardiogize and MindWise were specifically formulated to help keep you sharp with a healthy heart and brain. They also help support your body physically so you can keep doing all the things you love.


MindWise is formulated to help healthy brain function (it can help decrease that daily brain fog!), and it supports cardiovascular health for better cognition.

It also contains turmeric with its endless health benefits from bone & joint support to aiding neuron production in the brain.


CardioGize was one of Gary Young’s last formulations. The cardiovascular system is one of the most important systems in the body as it directly affects every other system. CardioGize supports healthy heart function and blood circulation, and may promote a higher quality of life.

Muscle and Bone Health will be in the next installation. Let me know if these Blogs are helping you in making better choices for your body ~ For the Health of It~

Once again, let me end with a DISCLAIMER! Please keep in mind that I am not a doctor or health professional. I am not here to diagnose, treat, cure, or prescribe for any illness or disease. I am not an EXPERT. I am simply someone who has successfully used Young Living products for myself and my family. My goal is to tell you about Young Living supplements so that you too can see the value of incorporating them into your daily wellness plan. I always encourage you to do the research for yourself!

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