Learn Something New

Stones These are trying times . . . my Massage Therapy practice has been closed due to COVID-19 . . . people are stressed, tense, and afraid . . . most are unsure what to do next . . . as for me, trying to remain positive and inspired, I am finally learning a new software program. I had a one-on-one (with social distancing) with a friend today who began to teach me the fine-points of Access, a database software. Not only was it fun to begin learning something new, but it was inspiring that this “old dog” could learn a new system . . . I need to practice, start new files, and set up new databases for our businesses . . . so instead of feeling trapped, unsure, and stressed, I will be learning something new that I can use when this pandemic is all over . . . and life will begin to journey forward again. Stay well (body, mind, and spirit). . . Cindi